Adobe Dreamweaver CC: Aprende en video
English - Duration: 10Hrs 27mins
User Level: Beginning / Intermediate
Este programa de entrenamiento
interactivo críticamente aclamada de Adobe Press ofrece una excepcional
calidad de vídeo de alta definición para enseñar los fundamentos de Adobe Dreamweaver CC.
Incluyendo más de 10 horas de tutoriales en vídeo,
el curso se completa con archivos de las lecciones, cuestionarios de
evaluación y revisión de materiales. Instructor experimentado David
Powers presenta una amplia introducción a Dreamweaver, incluidas las mejores prácticas, así como conceptos fundamentales de diseño web. Temas cubiertos incluyen HTML5 y CSS3 mejoras de Dreamweaver, multimedia, interactividad, y la forma de trabajar dentro de la Nube de Creative.
Contenido del Vídeo Curso:
- Welcome
- What Is Dreamweaver
- About This Course and the Project Files
- Displaying Filename Extensions on Windows
- Planning Your Website
- How Web Pages Are Built
- Basic CSS Selectors
- Understanding Pixels and Other Units of Measurement
- Setting Colors and Alpha Transparency
- Naming Conventions
- Understanding Copyright
- Making Web Pages Accessible
- The Welcome Screen
- Defining a Site in Dreamweaver
- Exploring the Document Window
- Using the Property Inspector
- Disabling the Code Navigator Indicator
- Introducing the CSS Designer
- Organizing Your Workspace
- Changing Dreamweaver Preferences
- Using the New Document Dialog Box
- Inspecting the Basic Page Structure
- Creating the Web Page Title
- What's Different on a Mac
- Formatting Headings, Paragraphs, and New Lines
- Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
- Inserting Special Characters
- Using Blockquote Correctly
- Importing from Word and Paste Special
- Copying and Pasting Inside Dreamweaver
- Attaching an External Style Sheet
- Setting the Font, Size, and Color of Text
- Using Adobe Edge Web Fonts
- Installing Web Fonts Locally
- Building a Custom Font Stack
- Using a Predefined Layout
- Introducing the Case Study
- Inserting HTML Structural Elements
- Adding Content and Basic Styles
- Understanding the CSS Box Model
- Adjusting Width, Padding, and Margins
- Floating Elements
- Setting Background Colors
- Preparing Images for the Web
- Inserting Images and Alternate Text
- Adding a Caption to an Image
- Resetting Figure Margins
- Using an Image as Background
- Modifying Images
- Internal and External Links
- Linking to a Specific Point in a Page
- Using Images as Links
- Creating an Image Map
- Creating an Email Link
- Opening Files in a New Window
- Using Pseudo-Classes to Style Links
- Converting a List into a Navigation Bar
- Useful CSS Selectors
- Resolving Conflicting Styles
- Using Inspect Mode
- Using the Code Navigator
- Setting Border Colors and Styles
- Adding Rounded Corners
- Creating Drop Shadows
- Using a CSS Gradient
- Creating Styles for Print
- Creating and Modifying a Library Item
- Creating a Template from an Existing Page
- Creating Child Pages from a Template
- Templates Assessed
- How CSS Positioning Works
- Fixing an Element within the Browser Viewport
- Shifting an Element's Relative Position
- Keeping Absolutely Positioned Elements in Sync
- Stacking Elements with z-index
- Rotating Elements
- Introduction to CSS Transitions
- Using the CSS Transitions Panel
- Setting the Transform Origin
- Inserting an Accordion
- Creating Tabbed Panels
- Styling jQuery UI Widgets
- Using jQuery Effects to Reveal and Hide Elements
- Inserting a Table
- Modifying a Table
- Importing Tabular Data
- Styling a Table with CSS
- Introduction to Forms
- Inputting Single- and Multiple-Line Text
- Specialized Text Input Fields
- Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
- Select Menus and Lists
- Using a Datalist
- Styling Form Elements
- Introducing Fluid Grid Layouts
- What Are Media Queries
- Defining the Grid
- Inserting Fluid Elements
- Adapting the Structure
- Adding the Content
- Adjusting the Layout for Different Resolutions
- Styling a Fluid Grid Layout
- Inserting an Edge Animate Composition
- Creating a Flash Video Player for Older Browsers
- Inserting HTML5 Video
- Inserting HTML5 Audio
- Troubleshooting HTML5 Video and Audio
- Using Find and Replace
- Using a Saved Query
- Running Site Reports
- Adding a Description to a Page
- Validating Your HTML
- Setting Up Your Server Login Details
- Uploading and Downloading Files
Reviewed by shavall
9:05 p. m.